Display ad in The Tribune

Display adverts are one of the most important ad formats. These are meant for commercial advertising. You might have noticed full, half or quarter page ads in newspapers that announce sale, new offers, etc. all these adverts come under display ad categories. National dailies, regional news journals and vernaculars, etc. all provide ad space for display ads.


One of the popular newspapers in India is The Tribune that publishes all sorts of advertisements. Display ad in The Tribune is also a regular sight for the readers. Suppose, you want to advertise and promote your offerings in Jalandhar, you can do the same via this newspaper that will take your ad far and wide.

One of the biggest advantages of booking display ads is the fact that your ad will immediately catch reader’s attention owing to the size of such adverts that cover a large amount of space of a newspaper page. Thus, it is quite obvious that a reader will read the advert or at least go through it once. And it is very likely that they will respond to the advert and will avail the services.


One of the best and hassle-free ways of reserving the ad slot is via online mode. The Tribune Jalandhar ad booking online will provide you an easy way to get the ad space. You need not rush to the nearest ad booking centre and can complete the booking process while sitting at home. It is not just for The Tribune newspaper ads but for all sorts of newspaper classified ads that you can make your bookings instantly.

You simply need to visit our website that offers following benefits:

  • Instant bookings
  • Ample choice of newspapers (you can select from the national dailies, regional papers, vernaculars, etc.)
  • Attractive discounts that will spoil you for choice
  • Value for money on all bookings
  • Various ad packages that you can choose from
  • Facility of customized ad packages as per the needs of various customers
  • Easy cancellation policy (NOTE: For more details on this visit our website.)

So, go ahead and make your bookings through our website and get the ad space instantly. For more details connect with any of our customer relationship members.


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