
Know how to release newspaper ads through MyAdvtCorner

When you are in business, newspaper advertisements might well make the difference between your company’s success and failure. After all, it is how well you promote your product, service or event that contributes to your company’s growth. And promoting your company depends almost entirely on your media selection.

The choices are many. They include outdoor (like hoardings, wall paintings, posters and banners), electronic (in which one finds TV, radio and the internet), and print (which ranges from leaflets and pamphlets to magazines and newspapers). To find out which is good for you, it is best to consult a properly qualified advertising experts.

One instant online facility you can easily consult is MyAdvtCorner which is supported by the full service advertising agency Mind Makers Communications Pvt. Ltd, which has been fully accredited to the Indian Newspaper Society (INS) since 1990. In addition to its professional copywriting and state-of-the art visualising capabilities, it has a complete media section. These experts have access to all newspapers in all languages in India – whether they are local, regional or national.

This source can provide the latest newspaper advertising costs as well as any rebates, discounts and special packages which are offered from time to time. These benefits are passed on to the agency’s clients at no extra cost. At the same time, this instant online facility assists advertisers to place the most cost-effective ads of all three categories:

Text Classified ads: These are low-cost black and white roll-on word ads which are charged by the word within a limited number of lines and proportionately more for excess words. Also, at extra cost, these can be embellished by ticks and/or borders and/or bold letters.

Classified Display ads: These also appear in the classified columns of newspapers but cost more as they are charged by the square centimetre and can be enhanced with colour screens, small visuals and logos.

Display ads: These are also charged by the square centimetre but place no restrictions on the size or colour, page (from the front to back) or position (from the top to bottom of a page) of a newspaper, depending on the amount budgeted.

In all such matters MyAdvtcorner is equipped to serve every kind of advertiser – small or big.

Besides newspapers, it is the competence of the agency that it can take a holistic view of an advertiser’s needs and add what support is possible by other media like those mentioned here earlier to maximise the effect of an ad most cost-effectively.

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In fact, this is matter that needs a far more lengthy examination than is possible here. A much easier solution is to contact MyAdvtCorner. Try it.

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