Obituary Advertisement in Times of India

Founded in 1938, The Times of India today is the English newspaper with the largest circulation in the world, let alone India, with a readership of 76.43 lakh through nearly 40 editions spread across India. Thus, it is ideal for letting near and dear friends, relatives and acquaintances even in distant places know of the demise of a much-loved relative or remind them of the anniversary of their passing.

There are three options to put an obituary advertisement in The Times of India:

Classified text: Such obituary newspaper ads are simple black and white ads with run-on lines which are charged by the line subject to a minimum of five lines, and proportionately more for additional lines. All necessary matter in the shortest form are conveyed in this manner with regard to the deceased person’s background, details of funeral and related services and those in grief along with contact information.


Classified displaySuch obituary newspaper ads enable the uploading of the image of the deceased and write intended message as in classified text ads but carry a higher cost as they are charged by the column centimetre. They are published under the specific Obituary classified section of every newspaper.

Display: Such obituary newspaper ads are not restricted to the classified section of a newspaper. So they can be published in any size on any page. Thus, they can be as big and creative as the advertiser wants to catch the attention of the readers. They are also charged by the column centimetre.


The same procedures and options remain for remembrance ads which can be published year after year twice a year, remembering the person’s birthday as well as day of passing away.

Since obituary ads have to be written when there are so many other things to be attended to, it is better to contact an online newspaper advertising agency like MyAdvtcorner which has the media experts to place an ad anywhere in any of The Times of India editions anywhere in India – instantly and at no extra cost.

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