Sakshi Obituary Display Ads

When someone is no more, remembrance ads are placed in chosen newspapers usually when the person’s birth or death anniversary comes around. On this day, Remembrance Advertisement is used in newspapers to remind others of the one who is no more. In such ads, fond memories are usually written. A remembrance refers to memories that are associated with a person. An ideal newspaper for such ads is a Remembrance Display Ad in Sakshi Newspaper.

Launched on 24 March 2008, Sakshi is a Telugu broadsheet daily newspaper based in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh with a circulation of 3,145,194 daily (as of July 2019) according to the Audit Bureau of circulation. It launched with 23 editions published simultaneously from 19 cities along with the four metropolitan areas of Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai and Mumbai. This newspaper targets all the Telugu people living in and around India with interesting articles such topics as politics, business, economy, sports, entertainment, health, lifestyle and so on besides local, regional, national and global news. Thus, advertising in this newspaper reaches out to millions at once.

Death and Birth Anniversary Wishes when published in Sakshi newspaper are among best ways to convey condolences and respects towards a deceased family member or close friend. A considerable number of people, especially distant relatives and friends or acquaintances of the deceased individual, often convey their condolences and tributes through such wishes. In these messages, advertisers express matters like their grief, duration of their association and relationship with the deceased, relationship with the deceased, and the contribution of the deceased to their lives and whatever else is worth mentioning.

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