Obituary ad in newspaper is booked and published for the friends and relatives staying at a distance to know the sad demise of their loved ones. Obituary advertisement matter consists of all the details of the rituals to be performed of the deceased by the family. They can come personally and pay their tributes or can send flowers to console the family by showing their gesture towards the death of their known ones. In the matter the contact details are mentioned. Friends and relatives can call and ease the pain they are going through. So to inform the mass about the death news can be done by publishing obituary ad in newspaper.

Can we book obituary ad in Navbharat Times for Delhi edition?

Navbharat Times is a Hindi language newspaper. It is one of the largest circulated newspapers. The owner of Navbharat Times is The Times Group. It was founded in 1946. The highest circulation is in Delhi, Mumbai, Lucknow, Kanpur.

Without hesitation, release obituary display ad in Navbharat Times, Delhi edition. 

How to book obituary ad in newspaper?

There are many online websites for booking death news ad in newspaper. All websites are not very efficiently made. There is one online website which is three decades old. This is website is very professional. You can do online booking. The steps are very easy to follow. In case you are not comfortable to book or due to lack of time you want a professional approach then you can contact Myadvtcorner team. In no time they will design the ad as per your requirement. So is the best online website to release obituary ad in newspaper

How to write obituary message?

Before you start writing an obituary message you should be aware of the cost of publishing obituary ad in newspaper. Every publication has its own rates. The rates are as per the space the ad will occupy on the page. So we will suggest you to be precise while drafting the message.

The obituary message should include some key details about the person’s life and death. First of all include the deceased’s full name, age, date of birth and death date, cause of death(this is optional). Mention the names of surviving family members of the deceased. If any close relative of the deceased is dead then that name should be mentioned. Every religion performs the rituals in their own way. So mention the date, time and place where it will be performed, like when and where will funeral take place. Chautha/Uthala rituals, details should be clearly mentioned. Then we have Tehravi, its details needs to be mentioned.   Most importantly mention the contact number so that the family and friends can pay their condolences. has provided free online obituary templates. You can go on that select the template that you like and insert the details of the deceased and the ad is ready in no time. The templates are made with full care.

Payment method?

Making payment on is secured and very easy.

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