Dinamani Obituary Display Ads

Launched on 11 September 1933, Dinamani is a broadsheet newspaper and part of The New Indian Express Group. It is published from Bengaluru, Chennai, Coimbatore, Dharmapuri, Madurai, New Delhi, Tirunelveli, Tiruchirappalli, Vellore and Villupuram. Dinamani Newspaper Advertisement advertisers also use the newspaper to target specialized groups of readers. Hence, the newspaper publishes various categories of ads to meet advertisers’ target needs – like Matrimonial (on Sundays), Property, Recruitment, Lost and Found, Education, Business, Personal, Court Notices, Public Notices, Change of Name, Travel, Obituary, Remembrance, Services, Computers etc.

For further ease, Dinamani offers choices in three formats:

Classified Text: This cheapest option of advertising is in the form of text ads in the classified section and charges @ Rs/word subject to the number of words subject to a minimum of 20 words used. These are printed on Dinamani’s classified pages in run-on-line (ROL) text format. At extra cost, enhancements like screen, tick, colour for more visibility can be made.

Classified Display: This costlier option is charged @ Rs/square cm of the area used for the advertisement. There is a constraint to the size of Classified Display (CD) ads, which appear on the classified pages of the newspaper. However, it can be made more visible using logo, image, different fonts and colour to enhance the advertisement.

Display: This costliest option has no constraints about the sizes of the ads and is also charged @ Rs/square cm of the area used for the advertisement. One can choose Full Page, Half Page, Quarter Page or any other size of Dinamani Display Advertisements besides the Page and Position

Rebates: Every edition of Dinamani has a different rate. However, repetition of the same ad or combo-rates with more than one edition may result in an overall cost-reduction.

Dinamani Obituary Display Ads

An obituary advertisement is a notice announcing the passing away of someone. This Includes information about the date, venue and particulars of the funeral and services to be held in this respect. If budget and space permit, family and friends also offer condolences. These ads can be printed in Dinamani in classified ROL, CD ads or display ads.

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