matrimonial classified

matrimonial classified

Your little girl has grown up. So you start looking around. In some traditional families, this process starts from birth. When baby girls are born, those families eye little boys in the neighborhood or in their families or friends’ families. As time passes, more boys enter the scene – schoolmates, playmates, neighborhood newcomers… And you assess them all. But, at this stage, they are all too young for your daughter who is younger still.

But time moves on and, with it, your daughter’s maturity after adolescence, higher education and even securing a job or starting her own enterprise. She is ready for marriage. Maybe, she has made some choices of her own – which happen so frequently even among the most traditionally brought-up girls. But her subjective selection does not measure up to your objective appraisal of her choice. Nor do any of those recommended by friends, neighbors and relatives. So what is your alternative?

Advertise in the press

Among print media, magazines do not accept matrimonial advertisements. However, newspapers do and they fan out across the country and abroad. They are read at every level of society – even in distant villages which have no electricity. Through them you can pinpoint which town or village you wish to reach on what date regardless of your own location. For instance, sitting in Ghaziabad, you can reach Pune and advertise in Marathi in the matrimonial columns of the daily Sakal.

Whatever the newspaper you choose, the lowest rates are in the text classified columns. With a little enhancement of colour and small visual you can enhance the visibility of your advertisement by making it a classified display ad. And, if you really want to make an impact, you can use a display ad which has no restrictions of size, colour and text.

So you can describe your daughter’s physical and educational attributes, her religion, caste (if a Hindu), community, profession, interests and whatever else you feel needs to be conveyed to the prospective groom. You can reach these young men not only in the daily columns but on special supplements like the Matrimonial supplement carried by The Sunday Times of India. Other newspapers have similar focus days.

Make this entire process easier for yourself since you will be so busy with the huge variety of arrangements you will have to make for the big day, your daughter’s wedding. Just contact MyAdvtCorner.Com. As the online arm of Mind Makers Communications Pvt. Ltd, a full-service advertising agency, MyAdvtCorner.Com gives you access to the agency’s media department which has an approach with all media. It can advise you of the most suitable newspaper for you and also negotiate the most cost-effective rates besides reserving space for your advertisement in the newspaper you want, when you want. Through MyAdvtCorner.Com, you can also have a professional copywriter writing the text and a visualiser using state-of-the-art computers to create the most impactful groom wanted advertisement. All this, at no extra charge.

So, if you have an eligible daughter seeking a matrimonial alliance, you now know what to do.


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