Newspaper Ads

With rising competition, promoting business has become increasingly competitive also. Therefore, getting the best deals from newspapers means having to obtain whatever reductions are possible while placing advertisements in newspapers. Since there are hundreds of newspapers across India printing in every language, it will take a massive, stressful effort from you to contact all the newspapers relevant to their target audiences to obtain the necessary newspaper advertising costs in India.

The most suitable solution to this mind-bogging exercise is to contact the online facility Myadvtcorner which is supported by a full service advertising agency accredited with the Indian Newspaper Society (INS) and has a completely staffed media department. These media experts have developed close connections with India’s multitude of newspapers and, therefore, are completely up to date with whatever discounts, rebates and special packages any of them offer from time to time. Such benefits are immediately passed on to the advertisers without charging anything extra for the service.

recruitment ads


Through this facility, you can become aware of all the categories of advertisements in which you can advertise to suit your target audience – Property (to buy, sell, rent or lease), Matrimonials (bride or groom wanted), Change of Name, Retail, Business, Finance, Situations Vacant (as well as Wanted), Motor Vehicles, Tenders, Public Notice… and many others.

All this information is necessary for you to plan your budget to get your company on the right track for progress. And you can avail of it all without stirring out to go to the newspapers. You can do it all simply through the convenience of your office computer or your domestic laptop.

Ultimately, the question boils down to how much it costs to put an ad in the newspaper. And this is something that depends entirely upon the goods and/or services and/or event you are advertising because space for the text and visual will have to be provided for. Then again, whether it is to be a text classified, display classified or display ad will have to be taken into consideration. While both kinds of classified ads are restricted to the pages devoted to classified ads, which have certain size restrictions, display ads have no restrictions of size, colour or page – or even position on a page.

All of these variations in different categories have different costs. That is all the more reason to contact a single online facility, Myadvtcorner. So, don’t delay and get in touch to find new ways to promote your company more competitively.

Reserve Now

For Any kinds of inquiry related to newspaper classified and display ad you can call us at +91 9810904604 or mail us at

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